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Art at Maple Wood!

3rd Grade

In third grade art, we will learn a lot about art in other cultures. Students will learn about Dia de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead), where the arts are used to honor loved ones. They will explore self-portraits by learning about the work of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. We will also be exploring the wonderful world of weaving! Students will get to explore color theory through the use of multiple materials. Stay on the look out for photographs of these projects soon.

4th Grade

In fourth grade art, we are going to start with learning a lot about color and elements of art! Then we will move on to art history-based projects. 4th graders will be transported back to the beginning of the art world and learn about cave artists of Lauscaux. Then, we will fast forward to portraits inspired by contemporary artist Sandra Silberzweig. We will go back to learning about how the Impressionists created art and make landscapes inspired by these artists. Finally, we will explore the medium of collage and choose animals to make using various types of paper. Look out for photographs of these amazing works!

5th Grade

Like 3rd and 4th grade, 5th graders this year are going to learn about color theory and the elements of art because these concepts are the backbone of all art making and critiquing. After this introduction, 5th grade artists will learn about architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who is famous for his Falling Waters house in western Pennsylvania. They will have the opportunity to design their own dream home, like Frank Lloyd Wright. Then, we will venture into learning about weaving and creating experimental paper weavings. Later in the year, we will go deeper into self-portraiture by making blind contour drawings, then making more finished artwork inspired by pop artist Andy Warhol. Towards the end of the year 5th grade artists will discover that art can be used for spreading social messages. We will look at the murals of Kelsey Montague to inspire a collaborative #WhatLiftsYou mural for the whole school to enjoy. 

Also, 5th graders will have the opportunity to sign up for various art enrichments during the RTI block that will change each trimester. More information about this will be coming soon. 

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